Children´s books
At the Kinder Art School, we also have coloring pictures and drawing instructions from published German children's books. The illustrators of the children's books have drawn these coloring pages for you and put them online at the Kinder Art School.
For example, you can find some adventures of Perlinchen to color or a drawing instruction of hedgehog Ignaz from the children's book "The big tooth brushing day in the zoo" to draw yourself.
All children's books are currently published in German, but the exclusive coloring pages can be enjoyed by all.
Die kleine Schnecke Hannes auf großer Reise

The big dream of the little snail Hannes is to go to the south and see the sea. But since the little snail is unfortunately very slow, he doesn't believe that his big dream will ever come true. But one night the snail gets a fabulous idea. The next day, Hannes sets off on his great journey to the sea....
Illustrator & author: Sarah Schuhegger
Publisher: epubli
Die kleine schnecke Hannes in the Kinder Art School
Perlinchen - Ich bin anders, na und!

Perlinchen would love to be like all the other ladybugs in her class. She therefore prefers to hide her pink wings under a red cape with black dots. But then her best friend Jimi plops into the frog pond. And suddenly Perlinchen doesn't care what anyone thinks. She dashes off and rescues Jimi. Perlinchen is the hero of the day and beams with pride with her bright pink wings.
Illustrator: Bianca Faltermeyer
Author: Natascha Ochsenknecht
Publisher: Boje Verlag
Perlinchen in the Kinder Art School
Der große zahnputztag im zoo

It stinks in the zoo. Because no one brushes their teeth anymore! So zoo director Ungestüm has a plan - and sends Ignaz Peppermint Hedgehog on a daring mission: a blob of toothpaste on his back and off he goes. Ignaz scrubs, polishes and cleans - big, small, pointy teeth. And in no time at all he's in the middle of the biggest adventure of his life. He dares to go up to Mrs. Giraffe, into the lion's enclosure and even into the mouth of Wilhelm the Great White Shark!
Illustrator: Günther Jakobs
Author: Sophie Schoenwald
Publisher: Boje Verlag
Der große Zahnputztag in the Kinder Art School
Ritter Otto und sein Reittier

A funny adventure page turner in rhyme: Knight Otto almost overslept the big knight tournament. So he sprints off - and forgets his horse! But he only notices this when he has already mastered numerous dangers from robbers, dragons and witches on his way. And what does his mount do? Of course, the clever, faithful horse goes in search of his master and friend. Will they both find each other in the middle of the adventure? Where possible in the middle of the book?
Illustrator & Author: Günther Jakobs
Publisher: Carlsen Verlag
Ritter Otto in the Kinder Art School
Pino und Lela - Flieg, Lela Flieg!

Best friends forever
Pino Squirrel is a great friend! When he discovers the injured swallow Lela in the tree, he gives her his paw without hesitation, makes her tea and even offers her his bed. In spring, Pino helps her with her first attempts to fly. The two have a lot of fun together until Lela sees other swallows in the sky in autumn. Pino suspects that he must say goodbye. But the next spring he experiences a surprise: Lela is back!
Illustrator & Author: Günther Jakobs
Publisher: Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag